The End of the Concert Ticket?

It is no secret that I am not a fan of Ticketmaster. They charge exorbitant “convenience” fees, offer crappy service, basically have a monopoly, and as a final kick in the groin, they allow scalpers to resell tickets through their website for obscene amounts of money. Now, to add insult to injury, they appear to be moving toward the elimination of real tickets:

Pollstar Article on Ticketmaster

As I thought about why they would possibly want to do this, it dawned on me: They want to milk you for more money. Whenever possible, I purchase my tickets at the box office window. Doing so, you do not have to pay the Ticketmaster fees. By no longer offering real tickets, you are forced to purchase the virtual ticket online and pay their ridiculous fees.

Bill Graham must be turning over in his grave.

2 thoughts on “The End of the Concert Ticket?

  1. I knew this day would be coming, even bands I go see in small clubs and venues don’t have them anymore you just pay at the door and you’re in, I haven’t gotten a stub in about 4 years now and I doubt I will ever get one again, like you said Ticketmaster has ruined everything and I try to avoid as much as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Hector. Thanks for your comment. Yeah, I still get real tickets. In fact, I have tickets in my drawer for four upcoming shows: Ray Lamontagne, The Warren Haynes Christmas Jam, Santana, and Alice Cooper. Those will be posted as they happen. Rock on, and stick it to the man!


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